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This project, created during the lockdown period, portrays the number of COVID cases both in India and globally in a dynamic fashion for the purpose of comparing absolute figures.
The dataset for the 'India' visualization was sourced from COVID19-India API, which is a volunteer-driven, crowd-sourced database for COVID-19 stats & patient tracing in India. The dataset for the 'Worldwide' visualization was sourced from worldometers and Johns Hopkins University
COVID Bubbles
An interactive
COVID-19 case visualization
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The design process started with gaining insights into the different types of visualisations available on the internet. Scouring various websites like NYTimes and InformationIsBeautiful, a conclusion was drawn that minimalist designs that convey information were few and far between. To come up with a new idea of representation, basic infographics had to be consulted, finally settling on a bubble chart.
The visual style was modelled after soap bubbles putting the subconscious idea of hand-washing in the viewers mind.
Creating the visualisation involved learning and implementing an interactive version of the circle packing algorithm through the use of D3.js library.
Covid cases from India, bubbles on a blue background
Covid cases worldwide, bubbles on a blue background
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